TimeWatch Canteen Management solution:

TimeWatch Canteen Management solution:

Image result for canteen management system

For handling canteen you need to do lots of efforts and work. The work of handling canteen is a difficult task. TimeWatch is here to make you work somewhat easy and convenient.

We offer you a solution to manage your canteen, food court, and food coupon management. Let it be subsidized or non –subsidized.

It is a very convenient and 100% paperless solution. The transaction or usage report can be pulled anytime anywhere.

There are some of the key features of Canteen Management system and solution:

·        It provides you an accurate and actual deduction from the employee, with no manual process of coupon distribution and collection.
·        This software has very user –friendly interface to manage the facilities and areas covering different groups of employee
·        It can also integrated with payroll system
·        It can easily save manpower and increase employee satisfaction.

For further information you can visit our website :timewatchindia.com
