Biometric security claim over facial recognition

Biometric technology is used to measure the physical and behavioral characteristic of a person such as Fingerprint authentication, Facial recognition, IRIS scans, etc. are being used and develop to improve the security of financial or any other sensitive transaction. At the same time social media sites, mobile app, game developer and many others are started deploying this cutting-edge technology to improve the security services. This full proof technology allow user to scan their face to get access while, scanning the face the information is get stored into its database to authenticate user through its face. 

Biometric device is robust to reduce risk of harm, hacking or misuse. This device is found to be great to mitigate the risk of data protection. Facial recognition is very powerful part of biometric technology for person authentication. It provide the incredible level of security service on the broad range of device. over the many year of research artificial intelligent have design an algorithm to reproduce the facial recognition system for authentication. Our facial recognition biometric device recognizing faces in a crowd even under difficult scenes with poor lighting situations. It detect the face of a person in a millisecond.

Like all biometric machine it will also measure and match the unique characteristic of a person for the purpose of identification and authentication. Facial recognition device can detect face through camera which is built-in with system or mobile phone to match the data against the information stored in database. Face recognition biometric device deploying in many area to scan faces such as:

  • CCTV (for footage)
  • Border Control (to verify the identity of travellers)
  • Selfie-based Smartphone (for access control like unlock the phone)
  • Airport (to scan face of traveller)
  • 300 face and 500 fingerprint /Card/Password templates 
  • High verification speed
  • New Framework firmware, easy to extend functions and customize client’s requirements
  • One face template is registered for one user only
  • Built In Access Control

Technical Feature:

It only identified people who are captured and stored in them. Our Face Recognition device Time & Attendance Terminal supports up to 300 face templates, 500 fingerprint/Card/Password.  it offers brand new UI and user-friendly operation interface to provide smooth user experience. With advanced face algorithm and multi-biometric verification technology, the terminal's security level of verification is significantly enhanced. Due to having these characteristics people are found our face recognition biometric device is more secured, convenient and have strong authentication. 

All thanks to our team who work alot to deploy the large collection of recognition system for reliably detect the person identity in a few milliseconds.  We work with government organizations or large companies as well as start-ups also with always the same desire to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction.


  1. Hey there, nice post on biometric security system.

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