Why Thermal Technology is necessary ?

 Thermal Technology enabled Facial Recognition is one of the top security trends of 2020. The "Touch-Free" Facial Recognition Terminal with Temperature Screening and Mask Detection is "Need of the Hour" in current pandemic scenario. TimeWatch has introduced Facial Recognition Devices with Temperature Screening & Mask Detection Solution that can be flexibly applied in multiple scenarios like Commercial &Government Offices, Stores, Warehouse, Super Market, Malls, Residential Complexes and many more.

As the pandemic has gained momentum, government agencies and corporations are increasingly turning to fever checks as a mechanism for gauging the potential presence of CoV-19 among citizens, travelers, and employees. This includes using traditional thermometers as well as Thermal Recognition and Infrared cameras that assess internal temperature

Let's Talk on Benefits

It uses the camera to recognize the person's face instead of somebody using an access card or punching in a number to avoid contact. This helps in effectively maintaining working hours and adhering to maintain discipline at the workforce.

Hospitals : To calculate the clock-round and help to keep an accurate track of individual members

Airports : For passengers e-boarding pass verification to avoid multiple check. This solution can also monitor whether a person is wearing mask.

Health-Care : For hassle-free check-ins and check-outs. Quickly screen each visitor to detect if he or she may have a high temperature, and to route them to medical care if signs of trouble are detected. Overall, Thermal imaging generally has been shown to accurately measure surface skin temperature without being physically close to the person

Hospital : The Covid-19 pandemic has seen thermal imaging used by organisations in an attempt to quickly test whether or not someone has a fever, The screening process, which does not require physical contact, takes only a few seconds and allows for a faster flow of traffic into buildings.

Furthermore, this technology allows you to maintain a blacklist.  Yet, several private companies have integrated thermal imaging with facial recognition technology. Combining thermal detection with facial recognition capabilities to detect and track potentially infected individuals. For example, police officers are currently using infrared devices Technology that claim to identify an individual’s person within a second upon detecting a temperature over 99.5°F/37.5°C.  It claims that the technology is 95 per cent accurate, for detecting temperature. TimeWatch has recently launched a body temperature detection Thermal Recognition Device that they assert is able to identify individuals, collect real-time biometric data, and trigger a warning system upon detecting an unusual temperature. its integrated thermal imaging and facial recognition technology to launch an attendance tracking system that will ostensibly enable organizations to track employees and visitors with elevated temperatures. This multimodal technology includes contact tracing that sends notifications to event attendees if any person exhibits COVID-19 symptoms and uses facial recognition to capture both an employee’s presence and their temperature. A visitors feature also sends notifications to management when anyone with an elevated temperature enters the premises. The company touts that this contactless tracking system can be integrated with sliding doors, kiosks, and turnstiles to mitigate CoV-19 exposure by restricting access based on temperature range and recommending testing of flagged individuals, and they will share contract-tracing data with health agencies if mandated by the government. This is the ideal opportunity to plan advancements in view of protection close by regulating multipronged, proactive oversight, and change mechanisms for the future.
