Fingerprint Based Attendance System Prevents From Buddy Punching

With the introduction of biometric system, things have become more systematic and hassle free in many walks of life, and maintenance of attendance is also became easy. Among one of the positively affect aspects. Automated fingerprint based attendance system has replaced the annoying manual registers in many organizations. Fingerprint attendance system prevents fraud recording of working hours that employees otherwise used to do with manual paper attendance system. It also keeps track of the holidays requested via fingerprint attendance machine.

Fingerprint attendance machine has a reader that scans finger impressions of employees and determines whether they are identical to the previously stored records. If they are found identical, the attendance criteria for the verified employees are maintained accordingly. Attendance system using fingerprint makes employees punctual.

Fingerprint-based attendance management system and time attendance systems have the direct benefits of reducing time-keeping overheads along with low rate of faults or mistakes committed in the computations. Organizations which have implemented fingerprint-based attendance systems have noticed a derived benefit of employee productivity getting enhanced after access control and timekeeping based on fingerprint-controlled access were started by them.

When employees earn salary for time that they haven’t actually spent on working then it is known as time theft. In traditional timekeeping systems employees accomplish this by various means such as signing the register and going out from office, somebody else signing or punching in for them (known as buddy punching), or even loitering around inside the office in common areas such as canteens. Biometric-based automated attendance systems eliminate all of these tricks of time stealing. I should tell you became picky and opt the best fingerprint based attendance system to increase your employee productivity and restrain them from buddy punching. 

Fingerprint attendance system are better than manual system. Fingerprint-based Attendance Management System was developed to provide a faster, more secure, and more convenient method of user verification than passwords and tokens can provide for a reliable personal identification.

Fingerprint-based time and attendance systems are way better than manual system. Specially, Employers can solve some common problematic issues including buddy punching, time theft by a biometric based attendance system. A secure and effective identity management system plays an important role in the successful deployment of an attendance management system. To make the fingerprint management system more secure and reliable for authentication, biometrics data are integrated in the attendance management systems.
Organizations which have implemented fingerprint-based attendance systems derived benefit of employee productivity and getting enhanced after access control and timekeeping based on fingerprint-controlled access were started by them.
